Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge

When I weigh myself I often challenge the scale to a debate which sounds like this in my head.
    ME:  "My hair is wet. That has to add at least 4 pounds." 
    SCALE:  "But your hair is only 10 inches long and is towel-dry."
    ME: "And I forgot to exhale before I stepped on the scale. Let's try this again."
    SCALE:  "Right."
    ME: "Oops, I forgot to shave my legs before I weighed myself.  None of this matters."
    SCALE:"You need to see what matters from this angle."
    ME:  "Besides, I ate too much sodium last night so that added at least .8 oz"
    SCALE: "...?"
    ME: "I'm throwing this thing out."
    SCALE: "!!!!!*(&$"

What's the worst part of this debate is that I'm having it with an inanimate object and I think I lost.  Oh dear.  Tragically I have similar "conversations" like this with my hairbrush, my clothes, even my mirror.  I think I am definitely in need of a summer makeover.  To tell you the truth, I don't feel responsible for looking as shaggy as I feel and that's part of the problem.  I have chronic health issues and there are many days that I wake up and the most I can do is drag a toothbrush across my teeth and pretend not to feel like I was run over by a Zamboni.  But today I am sitting here confronted with my husband who just bounced into the living room all sweaty from a refreshing jog and looking like he just regained his youth and I feel I have somehow become a little too catlike in my demeanor.  I can sit here and blink at him slowly and lazily and it really wouldn't phase me if he poured me a saucer of milk at this point because I have become that slow-moving and even diligent in my sloth.  Something must be done.

I recollect my days as a teenager and energy and wild abandon I had and the restraint it took just to sit still. Where did that go?  Does this happen to everyone when they reach their 40s?  Right now I could probably win a sleeping marathon.  The other day I went to bed around 10pm and when I woke up the next morning, I was in the exact same position I fell asleep in.  I'm not sure that's natural.  Or healthy.  I was so freaking tired from doing nothing all day that I was exhausted.  What was that about?

So I have spent entirely too much time with my cats, watching them, admiring their ability to do nothing and be professional slackers and now I have begun to emulate them and I need to tear myself away and get in shape.  I don't want to LOOK like my cats.  Tigger has the worst physique and I don't think my husband is very attracted to that look at all.  I definitely don't want my belly dragging around on the ground when I crawl.  Ewww. I exaggerate, his belly doesn't drag.  But it definitely hangs low.

So today is the first day of "the rest of my life" and I'm wondering if I can get the kitties to take an interest in the treadmill with me?  It's a shame I can't get them to work out.  I am going to include my favorite cat exercise video for your viewing pleasure and if there is any comment you can share to motivate me I sure would appreciate it.  Writing a blog is a very sedentary exercise so it's time for me to get off my butt for now.  Wish me luck!!!

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